
Properties of active galaxies at the extreme of Eigenvector 1 

Autorzy: Śniegowska, M.; Czerny, B.; You, B.; Panda, S.; Wang, J.-M.; Hryniewicz, K.; Wildy, C.

Czasopismo: Astronomy & Astrophysics, 613, A38 (2018)

Eigenvector 1 (EV1) is the formal parameter which allows the introduction of some order in the properties of the unobscured type 1 active galaxies. We aim to understand the nature of this parameter by analyzing the most extreme examples of quasars with the highest possible values of the corresponding eigenvalues RFe. We selected the appropriate sources from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and performed detailed modeling, including various templates for the Fe II pseudo-continuum and the starlight contribution to the spectrum. Out of 27 sources with RFe larger than 1.3 and with the measurement errors smaller than 20% selected from the SDSS quasar catalog, only six sources were confirmed to have a high value of RFe, defined as being above 1.3. All other sources have an RFe of approximately 1. Three of the high RFe objects have a very narrow Hβ line, below 2100 km s-1 but three sources have broad lines, above 4500 km s-1, that do not seem to form a uniform group, differing considerably in black hole mass and Eddington ratio; they simply have a very similar EW([OIII]5007) line. Therefore, the interpretation of the EV1 remains an open issue.

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Accretion in Active Galactic Nuclei

Autorzy: Czerny, Bozena; Hassan Naddaf Moghaddam, Mohammad

Czasopismo: praca wysłana do Proceedings of Science

We review the current status of the understanding how the accretion onto the central black hole proceeds in Active Galaxies. Standard accretion disk is a key element in all relatively bright active galaxies like Seyferts and quasars, although it is not present in very low luminosity sources, like Sgr A*. However, the standard disk does not explain the broad band spectrum, so the disk has to be supplemented with a number of additional components, and our deeper understanding of these components is still far from being complete. These additional elements are: compact hard X-ray corona, inner hot flow, warm corona, disk wind and the Broad Line Region, and finally dusty/molecular torus. All these elements seem to be needed in various proportions, depending predominantly on the Eddington ratio of a given source. These elements also interact with each other which is not yet fully taken into account.

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